Annuals Easiest-to-Grow From Seeds

(adapted from the National Garden Bureau)

Alyssum* Amaranthus
Balsam Beans, Scarlet Runner
Beans, Hyacinth* Bluebonnets
Borage* Calendula
Coreopsis* Celosia
Centaurea (Bachelor Buttons)* Cosmos*
Cleome Coleus
Gaillardia Gomphrena
Larkspur* Marigold, French or American
Four O’Clocks (Marvel of Peru)* Nasturtium
Morning Glory* Queen Anne’s Lace*
Portulaca* Rudbeckia ‘Goldsturm’*
Sunflower Sweet Peas
Tithonia (Mexican sunflower) Viola (Johnny Jump-Ups)*
Zinnia, all types  
*May self-sow the following season
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This article appeared in the April 2001 issue of Horticulture Update, edited by Dr. William C. Welch, and produced by Extension Horticulture, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, The Texas A&M University System, College Station, Texas 77843.