Texas Native Trees and Shrubs

Texas native ornamentals listed by scientific name, common name, unusual features, and whether they are readily, sometimes, or seldom available in commercial nurseries and garden centers. Highlighted names are clickable links to the Benny Simpson Texas Native Trees Database.
Recommended Ornamentals by Water Use

Low Water Use

Medium Water Use

High Water Use

Ornamental Plants for Far West Texas is an educational resource based on the publications Recommended Southwestern Native Plants for the El Paso/Las Cruces Area and Suggested Plant List for Southern New Mexico and El Paso, Texas compiled by John White, Wayne Mackay, Wynn Anderson, Oscar Mestas, Anai Padilla, and Suzy Santo. HTML coding, page layout, and graphics by Brooke Bludau and Dan Lineberger.

Texas Native Trees | Aggie Horticulture