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Sweetleaf, Sweet Leaf, Horse Sugar, Yellowwood, Wild Laurel
Symplocos tinctoria


Sweetleaf is found in the acid sands and sandy loams of deep woods in the east Texas Pineywoods. It is a little-known but not uncommon evergreen or semi-evergreen tree with slender, upright branches that give it a wide, loose-spreading appearance. In spring it is covered with bright yellow flowers in dense clusters up to 2 1/2 inches across, followed by orange-brown drupes in the fall. Its glossy dark green leaves turn yellow or red before dropping.

Plant Habit or Use: medium tree

Exposure: sun partial sun

Flower Color: yellow

Blooming Period: spring

Fruit Characteristics: drupe, orange-brown

Height: to 45 ft.

Width: to 45 ft.

Plant Character: evergreen semievergreen

Heat Tolerance: high

Water Requirements: medium

Soil Requirements: acid

USDA Hardiness Zone: 7

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